what you focus on you create more of
Jen Sincero
12/1/2020 0 Comments act as ifWhat are your health/fitness/wellness goals?
When we have a goal, whether it's health related or not, we are working towards it because we believe it will make us a feel a certain way. We think attainment of the goal is going to make us happier, more content, or more satisfied. Good news! We do not have to wait until we reach our goals to start feeling the way we want to feel. If we think about the identity we want to embody by the time we achieve our goal, and begin to make decisions like our future selves, we will begin to feel the way we want to feel before we reach the goal. This gives us forward momentum. It motivates us, and lays the foundation for future wins. It also helps to build the needed habits to become the person we want to be. There is also a school of thought that says that every feeling has a vibration-- happier, joyful feelings have higher vibrations. Your vibrations attract like vibrations. It follows that if you are happy already, then you will attract more reasons in your life to be happy. That may seem too woo-woo for you, and that's okay. There is also science behind it. 👇 The reticular activating system in our brains filters for what we find important and what we are focused on. If we are focused on acting as if we are already happy in our skin and proud of ourselves, the brain takes note. It then filters for more ways to be healthy and happy. All of the sudden it feels like everything is falling into place. The solutions are all already there, it is just a matter of noticing them. So cool. If we act as if we have already achieved our desired outcome, we will reach it more quickly, and also find happiness and contentment along the way. It's a win-win! Try it out today. Have a good one!
About the AuthorKim is a personal trainer, nutrition coach, and group fitness instructor. She is a mom of two grown kiddos, and a former elementary school teacher. Most days, she can be found training clients, prepping food, thinking about food, or writing about food. She is also obsessed with mindset and habits. She is a 9w1 on the enneagram. Archives
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